Solutions Must Be Practical
Practical technology solutions deliver bottom line results that are greater than their implementation costs. Way too often, folks are so concerned with the "Can We...?" part of the problem that they fail to consider the "Should We ...?" question.
With the rapid and ever increasing pace of technology change, it is so easy to get caught in buzzword bingo without really understanding the how and if a particular technology will impact your business. X3 can put these technologies into practical terms that enable you to evaluate if a particular technology is right for your business. The X3 approach is simple - we put ourselves in your shoes, and ask "What would I pay for if it were my checkbook, and my business?"
Technology Is A Tool, Not The Answer To Every Question
Technology is a means to an end, period. We do not implement technology just for technology's sake, but rather select the right technologies that make business sense. Our team of experts stay up to date on all of the latest emerging technologies so that we can make the right recommendation to best serve your needs. After all, a "solution" is only a solution if it actually solves your needs.
Understand The Business
In addition to extensive technical education and experience, we require all of our client facing team to also have an MBA degree. An MBA is not a magic wand, but it represents our commitment to fully understand your business and market so that we can create the solution that's truly right for your needs. It's another thing that sets X3 apart and allows us to remain ROI focused.
Be A Partner, Not Just A Solution Provider
Any project can get large quickly. X3's practical approach to project management allow us to remain focused on the technology project while keeping an eye on your overall business strategy. Whether you primary goal is ROI-focused, customer-retention focused, or all about market-share, we tailor our solutions to focus on creating a strategy that meets your goals efficiently.
There are two parts to ROI, and X3 believes in considering both the investment part and the return part simultaneously in every step of the decision process. We build sound strategies for our clients and implement the right solution at the right time.
Our goal is to gain your trust and become your long term technology partner.
Contact us to day to learn how we help with your technology project.